
My Persistence

Thinking my every little things, there occers my persistence. I can't accept anything but agree my persistence. It is difficult to explain that, but it exist. It can be cute, but not too cute. It can be colorful, but not too much. It can be simple, but needs something special.

To have examples is easier. I have a this lap-top. This is a lap-top from panasonic, silver, simple one. My persistence to this lap-top is customized. I don't know very much about computer, but I don't like to buy store one. So I asked my friend who loves computers (He is a kind of Otaku), and he made me a ordinal lap-top for me! So I love this lap-top and I will use this until it is broken. This have all programs I need, beautiful shape, and perfect performance! This lap-top is only for me!

When I buy clothings, I don't care if things have brand name or not. My rule is to buy good things with less money, just like target motto 'eat well pay less'. So I love to buy used clothings. Used clothings are sometime good and cheap most times. My clothings now I keeping is almost used. I sometimes buy new shirts, pants, and jacket, but everytime my favolite one is used. They are unique!

This is my persistence.

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